This is around six months but not before four months. First foods might be smooth mashed or in soft pieces.
Expert Advice On Feeding Your Children Feeding Littles
Your baby can go on to minced and chopped foods.

Introducing solids to infants. Introducing Solids to Infants in the CNPs According to the AAP six to eight months of age is referred to as a critical window for introducing solid foods to infants. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends feeding only breast milk or a prepared iron-fortified formula until infants are four to six months of age. Solids should be introduced one food at a time starting with small amounts after breastmilk or.
Start to introduce solid foods when your baby shows signs of being ready. In addition by seven to eight months of age infants can be consuming solid foods from all food groups vegetables fruits grains protein foods and dairy. At the beginning how much your baby eats is less important than getting them used to the idea of eating.
These foods include egg peanut cows milk dairy tree nuts such as cashew or almond paste soy. Theyll still be getting most of their energy and nutrients from breast milk or first infant formula. Because all babies are not ready to eat solid foods at the same time your babys doctor can tell you the best time to start giving solids to your infant.
Add Solid Foods Slowly. When introducing solid foods to your baby include common allergy causing foods by 12 months in an age appropriate form such as well cooked egg and smooth peanut butterpaste. Introducing your baby to solid foods sometimes called complementary feeding or weaning should start when your baby is around 6 months old.